Set up your phone number
- Deleting Messages Gmail
- Deleting Messages In Messenger
- Deleting Imessages On Mac
- Deleting Messages On Mac
- Deleting Imessage Chats

How to Delete Messages/iMessages on iPhone Solutions: How to delete deleted messages on iPhone 12/11/Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6s completely? The most common way experts will suggest is to reset all data on iPhone: Just go to Settings General Reset Erase All Content and Settings to make it. We will show you easy ways of how to permanently delete iMessages. If you wish to backup your iMessages before attempting to delete them, we recommend you to use Leawo iTransfer, which is an iOS mobile device content manager for Windows and Mac computers. This means you should attack the issue from multiple angles, as deleted text messages, iMessages, and picture messages may still linger out on a cloud service somewhere. How to Permanently Delete Your Complete iMessage History on macOS. Even if you manually delete all iMessages from your Mac, sometimes they don't get permanently deleted and may still be stored on the device. To make sure that there is no trace left of a certain conversation or a message, you also need to get rid of the message files. View deleted iMessages. You will be able to view your lost iMessages after the scan is complete. The software will retrieve all the deleted iMessages it can find in the iTunes backup file selected. You can view your deleted iMessages.
On your iPhone:
- Go to Settings > Messages and make sure that iMessage is on. You might need to wait a moment for it to activate.
- Tap Send & Receive. If you see “Use your Apple ID for iMessage,” tap it and sign in with the same Apple ID that you use on your Mac, iPad, and iPod touch.
- In the 'You can receive iMessages' section, make sure that your phone number and Apple ID are selected.
- Go to Settings > FaceTime and make sure that your phone number and Apple ID are selected in the 'You can be reached by FaceTime at' section.
On your other devices, you can now turn on the phone number that you just set up:
Macbook air. If you use this feature and share your Apple ID with someone, you can't prevent them from seeing your conversations. Instead of using the same Apple ID as someone else, set up Family Sharing.
Remove your phone number
If you don't want calls or messages for your iPhone on your iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, you can remove your phone number. There are two ways to do this:
- On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Select your Apple ID at the bottom of the screen and tap Sign Out. Then go to Settings > FaceTime, select your Apple ID and tap Sign Out.
- If the phone number that you want to remove belongs to an iPhone that you can't access, change your Apple ID password. This removes all phone numbers from your iPad, iPod touch, and Mac. Calls or messages for the removed numbers won't appear on those devices anymore.

If you have questions, contact Apple Support. Borderlands 2: siren domination pack download free.
Turn your phone number on or off for your Mac
After you set up your phone number, you can turn it on or off for Messages and FaceTime on your Mac.
- Open Messages or FaceTime. If asked, sign in with the Apple ID that you're using with Messages and FaceTime on your iPhone.
- For Messages, choose Messages > Preferences, then click iMessage. For FaceTime, choose FaceTime > Preferences, then click Settings.
- Turn your phone number on or off:
- To turn on your phone number, select it and your Apple ID in the list. If you don't see your phone number, get help with your settings or contact Apple Support. If you see a number that isn't yours, change your Apple ID password.
- To turn off your phone number, deselect it in the list.
- If you want recipients to see your phone number and not your Apple ID, select your phone number from the “Start new conversations from” or ”Start new calls from” pop-up menu.
Learn how to make messages that you send and receive on your iPhone appear on your Mac, iPad, and iPod touch.
Turn your phone number on or off for your iPad or iPod touch
After you set up your phone number, you can turn it on or off for Messages and FaceTime on your iPad or iPod touch.
Deleting Messages Gmail
- For Messages, go to Settings > Messages and make sure that iMessage is on. If asked, sign in with the Apple ID you're using with Messages and FaceTime on your iPhone. Then tap Send & Receive.
- For FaceTime, go to Settings > FaceTime. If asked, sign in with the Apple ID that you're using with Messages and FaceTime on your iPhone.
- Turn your phone number on or off:
- To turn on your phone number, select it and your Apple ID in the “You can be reached” section. If you don't see your phone number, get help with your settings or contact Apple Support. If you see a number that isn't yours, change your Apple ID password.
- To turn off your phone number, uncheck it.
Learn how to make messages that you send and receive on your iPhone also appear on your Mac, iPad, and iPod touch.
If you can't see or select your number in Messages or FaceTime
- Make sure that you're using the latest software for your Mac or iOS device.
- Make sure that you correctly followed the iPhone steps to set up your phone number. You should be using the same Apple ID on all of your devices.
- In the “You can be reached” section of Messages and FaceTime settings, make sure that there are checkmarks beside your phone number and Apple ID:
If your phone number is unchecked and you can't select it, or you have some other issue, follow these steps: Hiveswap friendsim - volume ten download.
- On your Mac:
- In Messages, choose Messages > Preferences, then click iMessage. Click Sign Out.
- In FaceTime, choose FaceTime > Preferences, then click Sign Out.
- On your iPhone, iPad, and iPod:
- Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Tap your Apple ID, then tap Sign Out.
- Go to Settings > FaceTime. Tap your Apple ID, then tap Sign Out.
- On your iPhone:
- Go back to Settings > Messages and make sure that iMessage is turned on.
- Tap Send & Receive, then choose “Use your Apple ID for iMessage” and sign in with your Apple ID.
- Using the same Apple ID, sign back in to Messages and FaceTime on your other devices.
If you still need help, change your Apple ID password and repeat the setup steps. If that doesn't work, contact Apple Support.

In addition to saving text messages, a lot of people use our Decipher TextMessage to recover deleted text messages and attachments. Today I thought it might be interesting to discuss why text messages are sometimes recoverable, and review how to recover the deleted texts.
Why are Deleted iPhone Text Messages Recoverable?
iPhone text messages (along with MMS and iMessages) are stored in a database file on your iPhone. When you delete a text message, instead of completely obliterating the text message from the database, that entry is just marked as 'deleted'. Some time in the future, as you send and receive new texts, the space for the deleted entries will be reused and overwritten with new information. Although there are options to change the behavior, and there is a privacy concern leaving the messages sitting there, there are a couple of good reasons for leaving the behavior like this:
To fully erase any trace of the message, the database would have to be reorganized after each deletion operation. Think of deleting a text message like removing a book from a bookcase: if you remove the book and you don't want to leave a hole where the book was, you need to move all of the books over. Reorganization takes some time, making the Messages app seem less responsive. (For developers reading this, vacuuming the database also requires locking the database, which would be problematic for incoming messages during the vacuum too, I assume.)
In addition to reorganization taking time, reorganization after a deletion adds 'unnecessary' disk operations. Since the iPhone (and iPad and iPod Touch) uses a NAND flash drive as the hard drive, it makes sense to be conscious about excessive (and possibly not needed) disk operations. Since I'm not a NAND flash drive expert, I'm not going to say anything more strong than 'it makes sense to be conscious' about it. :)
Why are Deleted Text Message Attachments Recoverable?
My first answer is, they are not anymore! This bug in iOS was fixed, but prior to the fix when a message was erased, the attached file (for the picture, movie, or other) wasn't always erased from the iPhone. This was not only a privacy concern; not deleting the message attachments would cause disk bloat. Text and iMessage attachment files would be taking up iPhone disk space without any way to find them and erase them.
Deleting Messages In Messenger
Tangent time! My iPhone still has deleted attachments from 2012 in it, and I am considering releasing a tool to 'clean up' these attachment files to reclaim the disk space. Try running Decipher TextMessage and choose recover deleted attachments from the Recover menu. Do you have many recoverable photo and movie files?
Updated 2017: When I switched from my iPhone 6 Plus to a 6S Plus in September, I used Decipher Phone Refresh on my 6 Plus backup to get rid of the old deleted text message attachments and other unneeded data!
Updated 2019: We're adding a scan to remove very old deleted text message attachments to our Decipher Backup Repair as well!
Deleting Imessages On Mac
How to Recover Deleted Text Messages, iMessages, Photos and Other Attachments

Deleting Messages On Mac
I wrote this guide for how to recover deleted text messages. It will take you step by step through using Decipher TextMessage and making a new iTunes backup if you need to.
Deleting Imessage Chats
I also wrote a guide showing how to recover deleted text message pictures, videos and other attachments if you're interested in seeing what files are sitting around on your iPhone.