Go Cheat Sheet

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Go stop cheat sheet
  1. Nintendo Switch Eevee Go Cheat Sheet
  2. Rust Syntax Cheat Sheet
  3. Golang Cheat Sheet
  4. Go Cheat Sheet Pdf
  5. Scrabble Go Cheat Sheet
  6. Scrabble Go Cheat Sheet
Scrabble go cheat sheet

Go: Print with fmt cheat sheet A format specifier is a string that contains the text you want to format plus some placeholders, called verbs, that tell the functions in the fmt package how to format your arguments. This cheat sheet provided basic syntax and methods to help you using Golang. Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go is syntactically similar to C, but with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency. The GoPro camera changes the way people make movies. It’s not only affordable and durable, but also offers features that seemed like far-fetched wish-list items only a few years ago. You can mount this camera on almost anything, take it underwater, and capture the most expansive video scene known to mankind. Okay, that’s a slight. Go 96.3 Cheat Sheet. November 13, 2020 November 13, 2020 Reed 3. New Hobby November! November 1, 2020 November 3, 2020 Reed 0. September 1, 2020.

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1.1 Golang Conversion

Convert string to inti, _ := strconv.ParseInt(“12345”, 10, 64)
Convert string to inti, err := strconv.Atoi(“-42”)
Convert string to listL := strings.Split(“hi,golang”, “”)
Convert string to []byte[]byte('abcXX')
Convert string to bytebyte(str1[])
Convert byte to stringstring(byte('a'))=
Convert string to float32f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(“3.1415”, 32)
Convert int to float320.5*float32(age)+7>= float32(age2)
Convert int to strings := strconv.Itoa(-42). Notice: not string(-42)
Convert rune to stringstring(rune1)
Convert string list to stringstrings.Join(list, ', ')
Convert int list to stringfmt.Sprintf('%s', l)
Convert list to bytebyteI := byte(65)
Convert byte to intint(byte('a'))
Convert byte to stringstring(byte('a'))
Convert bytes to stringstring([]byte('abcXX'))
Convert int32 to int32 Pointerfunc int32Ptr(i int32) *int32 { return &i }
Convert string[] to stringstrings.Join([]string{'a', 'b'}, ',')
Format stringfmt.Sprintf('%.3f', float64(v)/1000)
Format stringfmt.Sprintf('At %v, %s', e.When, e.What)
Format stringfmt.Printf('int: %d, float: %f, bool: %tn', 123, 78.9, true)

1.2 Deep Dive Into Golang

  • Go’s original target was networked system infrastructure, what we now call cloud software
Golang goroutine
How Golang implement deferExecute a piece of code before a function returns with FILO mechanism
How Golang implement timer
Golang for vs loop
Garbage Colection
Golang CSP vs Erlang Actor ModelEach actor model, which actor has its own queue
How Golang channel feature is implement?YouTube: GopherCon 2017: Understanding Channels, Link: Golang Channel
Golang return a tuplefunc dfs(root *TreeNode, max *float64) (sum int, cnt int), LeetCode: Maximum Average Subtree
Use strings.Builder, instead of stringLeetCode: Unique Email Addresses
Variable Conversionfloat64(x_int/y_int) != float64(x_int)/float64(y_int), LeetCode: Maximum Average Subtree
For a list of objects, pass by value or referencef(l []*TreeNode) vs f(l *[]*TreeNode), LeetCode: Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

1.3 Golang Quality Improvement Tools

gosecGolang security checker, gosec ./..
golangci-lintlint check, golint
errcheckerrcheck checks that you checked errors, errcheck ./..
delveDelve is a debugger for the Go programming language.
ginkgoBDD Testing Framework for Go
mockGoMock is a mocking framework for Golang
envtestprovides libraries for integration testing by starting a local control plane
go-junit-reportConvert go test output to junit xml
gocover-coberturago tool cover to XML (Cobertura) export tool
gocovmergeMerge coverprofile results from multiple go cover runs

1.4 Golang Dependencies

goimportsupdates your Go import lines, adding missing ones and removing unreferenced ones
depGo deps, now recommend go modules
Install go depgo get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
Go modulesexport GO111MODULE=on, go mod download
Initialize new module in current directorygo mod init XXX
Download modules to local cachego mod download
Add missing and remove unused modulesgo mod tidy
Make vendored copy of dependenciesgo mod vendor
ReferenceLink: Using Go Modules

1.5 Golang Errors

… does not support indexing*variable[0] -> (*variable)[0]

1.6 Golang Common

Upgrade golang to 1.12 in macbrew upgrade go, go version
ReferenceLink: The Go Programming Language Specification

1.7 Golang Code Structure & Common Algorithms

Online Go Playgroudhttps://play.golang.org/
One line if statementif a >= 1 { fmt.Print(“yes”) }
Declare variables with initializersvar ischecked, v, str = false, 2, “yes!”
goroutineDefine functions to run as distince subprocesses
queueLeetCode: Number of Recent Calls
trie treecode/tree-trie.go

1.8 Syntax Sugar: From Python To Golang

sum slicesum([1, 2, 3])sum := 0; for i := range nums { sum += nums[i] }
Get last itemnums[-1]nums[len(nums)-1]
Forfor i in range(10):for i := 0; i < 10; i++
Loop listfor num in [1, 2]for num := range[]int{1, 2} { fmt.Print(num) }
Loop stringfor ch in str:for _, ch := range str { fmt.Print(ch) }
Iteratorfor num in nums:for _, num := range nums {fmt.Print(num)}
Whilewhile isOK:for isOK
Check ch rangeord(ch) in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)ch >=’a’ && ch <=’z’
Get minmin(2, 6, 5)
Check is nilroot is Noneroot nil
Reverse listnums[::-1]Need to create your own function. Weird!

1.9 Surprises In Golang

Modulus returns negative numbersIn golang, -3 % 2 -1

1.10 Golang Array/List/Slice

Make a arrayvar a [2]string; a[0]=”hello”; a[1]=”world”
Create array with given valuesl := [6]int{2, 3, 7, 5, 11, 13}
Create array with given valuesl := []string{“a”, “c”, “b”, “d”}
Create dynamically-sized arraysa := make([]int, 5)
Create dynamically-sized arraysa := make([]int, 1, 5) // 5 is capacity
Sort string arraysort.Strings(l); fmt.Print(l)
Sort int arraysort.Ints(l) //in-place change
Golang sort one array by another arrayLeetCode: Largest Values From Labels
Sort in descending ordersort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(keys)))
Append iteml = append(l, “e”)
Append itemsl = append(l, “e”, “b”, “c”)
Append item to head/prependl = append([]string{'a'}, l..)
Remove last iteml = l[:len(l)-1]
Remove item by indexl = append(l[0:1], l[2:]..)
Slices of a arrayvar l2 = l[1:3] // Notice: it’s a reference
Copy a listb := make([]int, len(a)); copy(b, a)
Join two listsl1 = append(l1, l2..)
Use pointer of array listcode/pointer-array.go

1.11 Golang String

Format stringfmt.Sprintf('At %v, %s', e.When, e.What)
Format stringfmt.Printf('int: %d, float: %f, bool: %tn', 123, 78.9, true)
Padding zerofmt.Printf('%02d:%02d', 2, 10)
Split stringvar L = strings.Split('hi,golang', ',')
Replace stringvar str2 = strings.Replace('hi,all', ',', ';', -1)
Replace stringstrings.Replace('aaaa', 'a', 'b', 2) //bbaa
Split string by separatorstrings.Split(path, ' ')
Count charactersstrings.Count('test', 't')
Substringstrings.Index('test', 'e')
Join stringstrings.Join([]string{'a','b'}, '-')
Repeat stringstrings.Repeat('a', 2) // aa
Lower stringstrings.ToLower('TEST')
Trim whitespace in two sidesstrings.TrimSpace('t Hello world!n ')
Trim trailing whitespacestrings.TrimRight('t Hello world!n ', 'n ')
Concact stringfmt.Sprintf('%s%s', str1, str2)
ReferenceLink: package strings

1.12 Golang Integer/Float

Int maxMaxInt32 = 1<<31 – 1 golang math
Int minMinInt32 = -1 << 31 golang math
Pass int as referencesample code

1.13 Golang Env

GOPATHIt is called as the workspace directory for Go programs
GOROOTThe location of your Go installation. No need to set any more
go envShow a full list of environment variables

1.14 Golang Package management

go modLink: go modules
go get fixGO111MODULE=off go get -fix ./..
go mod replace urlgo mod edit -replace…

1.15 Golang Ascii

get character asciibyte('0')
ascii offsetfmt.Println(string('B' + byte('a')-byte('A')))

1.16 Golang Dict/Hashmap/Map

Create dictmap[string]int{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
Create dictmake(map[string]int)
Check existence_, ok := m[k]
Delete keydelete(m, 'k1')
Create a map of listsm := make(map[string][]string)
Get keys of a mapLoop the dictionary and append the key to a list
Use (x, y) as hashmap keym[[2]int{2, 2}] = true, code/example-hashmap-arraykey.go

1.17 Golang Networking

1.18 Golang Goroutines

Basic goroutinecode/example-goroutine.go

1.19 Golang Inteface

Hash map with both key and value dynamicmap[interface{}]interface{}
Define and use interfacecode/example-interface.go
Convert map[interface {}]interface {} to map[string]stringcode/interface-conversion.go

1.20 Golang Files & Folders

Read filescode/example-read-file.go
Write filescode/example-write-file.go
Go math cheat sheet

1.21 Golang Math

pow(2, 3)int(math.Pow(2, 3)) // Default is float64
Get randrand.Intn(100), rand.Float64()

Nintendo Switch Eevee Go Cheat Sheet

1.22 Golang Bit Operator & Math

Shift leftfmt.Print(1 << 10) // 1024
Shift rightfmt.Print(1024 >> 3) // 128

Rust Syntax Cheat Sheet

1.23 Golang BBD Testing

ginkgoBDD Testing Framework for Go http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/
Ubuntu install ginkgoapt-get install golang-ginkgo-dev
gomegaGinkgo’s Preferred Matcher Library
Add tags to tests// +build availability, go test -v --tags=availability ./test/e2e/..

Golang Cheat Sheet

1.24 Golang Misc

Golang sleeptime.Sleep(4* time.Second)
Golang loggingimport 'log', log.Info, log.Print, log.Error(err)
Golang print function nameruntime.Callers

1.25 More Resources

License: Code is licensed under MIT License.

Flashing lights - police, firefighting, emergency services simulator.

Common Data Structure Operations

Go Cheat Sheet Pdf

Data StructureTime ComplexitySpace Complexity
Singly-Linked ListΘ(n)Θ(n)Θ(1)Θ(1)O(n)O(n)O(1)O(1)O(n)
Doubly-Linked ListΘ(n)Θ(n)Θ(1)Θ(1)O(n)O(n)O(1)O(1)O(n)
Skip ListΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n log(n))
Hash TableN/AΘ(1)Θ(1)Θ(1)N/AO(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)
Binary Search TreeΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)
Cartesian TreeN/AΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))N/AO(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)
Red-Black TreeΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(n)
Splay TreeN/AΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))N/AO(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(n)
AVL TreeΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(log(n))O(n)
KD TreeΘ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))Θ(log(n))O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)O(n)

Scrabble Go Cheat Sheet

Array Sorting Algorithms

Scrabble Go Cheat Sheet

AlgorithmTime ComplexitySpace Complexity
QuicksortΩ(n log(n))Θ(n log(n))O(n^2)O(log(n))
MergesortΩ(n log(n))Θ(n log(n))O(n log(n))O(n)
TimsortΩ(n)Θ(n log(n))O(n log(n))O(n)
HeapsortΩ(n log(n))Θ(n log(n))O(n log(n))O(1)
Bubble SortΩ(n)Θ(n^2)O(n^2)O(1)
Insertion SortΩ(n)Θ(n^2)O(n^2)O(1)
Selection SortΩ(n^2)Θ(n^2)O(n^2)O(1)
Tree SortΩ(n log(n))Θ(n log(n))O(n^2)O(n)
Shell SortΩ(n log(n))Θ(n(log(n))^2)O(n(log(n))^2)O(1)
Bucket SortΩ(n+k)Θ(n+k)O(n^2)O(n)
Radix SortΩ(nk)Θ(nk)O(nk)O(n+k)
Counting SortΩ(n+k)Θ(n+k)O(n+k)O(k)
CubesortΩ(n)Θ(n log(n))O(n log(n))O(n)