We show you how to free up storage space on your new Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge phone, and how to install a microSD memory card to expand the available storage.
If you’ve already run out of space on your Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge, there are a few possible solutions to free up some storage. Your best bet is to use Samsung’s Smart Manager to delete files and apps you don’t need, and install a microSD memory card to quickly expand your available storage. Here’s how.
Aside from options that allow you to manage files on your phone, you may decide that you just want to buy more storage space, which you can do through any of the cloud services listed above. Here are the best ways to free up storage space on your iPhone. To clear out RAM and speed up your device, you can easily complete this through Quick Clean. Euro truck simulator 2 - romanian paint jobs pack download free. Step 1: Connect iOS dvice to your PC via a USB cable. As the program detects your devices, move to click on 'Speedup & Clean' on the main interface.
How to use Samsung Smart Manager to free up Galaxy S7 storage
If you go to the Galaxy S7’s settings menu and scroll down a bit, you’ll see the Smart Manager tool listed. Give this a tap.
Smart Manager is a simple phone management app that can help to clear the clutter and keep your S7 clean. When it pops up, you’ll see four different sections. The top left deals with battery life, the bottom left covers memory, and the bottom right is all about data security. But the one we’re interested in is the top right segment, which helps to manage your storage space.
Tap that quadrant and you’ll see a breakdown of how much storage space you’re using. To perform a quick and simple clean up, just tap the ‘Delete’ button in the Unnecessary Data section. This gets rid of cached info and other rubbish that you don’t need, and can generally free up 500MB to 1GB of space, if you only occasionally use it.
If that’s not enough, then head down to the User Data section and tap Details. This shows you how much space is being used up by your photos, videos, music, apps and documents. If one particular area is hogging most of your S7’s storage, then you can tap it and delete anything you don’t need. We recommend tapping the apps section, which shows you any apps you rarely use – uninstalling these is a quick and easy win.

How to insert a microSD memory card into the S7 and move apps over
Pop open the SIM tray on the top of the Galaxy S7 by inserting Samsung’s pin tool inside the hole. In here you’ll also find space for a microSD memory card. You can buy microSD cards cheaply from manufacturers like Amazon, with cards up to 200GB supported, and it’s a very quick and easy way to add loads of extra storage to the S7.
When you’ve fitted your microSD memory card, head to your S7’s Settings and then scroll down to Storage. Tap ‘Used Space’ in the Storage menu, followed by ‘Apps’. Here you’ll see a list of your installed apps which are taking up valuable space on your phone. To move these across to your new microSD memory card, just tap one and then select ‘Change’ beside Storage Used. From here you can transfer the app to your card.
Anyone with a smartphone will be veryfamiliar with seeing the dreaded “storage almost full” message flash up on the screen.For those who have ignored these warning signs long enough, it may even read“storage full”. Running out of memory can be quite annoying and disruptive,particularly if it happens just before you need to do something which requiresstorage space.
For most Apple or Android users, this message will first appear when you are very close to reaching your storage limit, usually about 500MB before. It often shows after you’ve tried to download a new app, that album you’ve been looking forward to or while shooting a video. If the file size is larger than what’s remaining, the prompt will appear and indicate that you need to make room.
The good news is that you don’t have to putup with it. There are simple steps you can take to help stretch your phone’sinternal memory and make use of every megabyte you have.
Transferphotos and videos out of internal storage
We’re all guilty of taking photosand recording videos, and then forgetting to delete them. Over time, thesefiles can accumulate and take up a lot of storage.
By offloading these files to a cloud-basedsystem, it can make a huge difference. If you’re using an iPhone, go toSettings > Apple ID > iCloud > Photos and tap the iCloud Photo Librarytoggle to turn the service on. Once you’ve enabled iCloud Photo Library, yourphotos and videos will automatically upload to iCloud so you’re free to deleteany locally stored files. Apple provides a certain amount of storage for free,with more available for a small fee.

Android users can set up Google Photos toautomatically back up files by launching the app and going to Settings >Back Up & Sync. Google lets you back up unlimited photos and videos forfree, up to 16MP and 1080p HD. You can then access them from any phone, tablet,or computer on photos.google.com.
Beyond iCloud and Google Photos, there arevarious apps you can use to upload your photos and videos to an online account,including Dropbox and Flickr.Alternatively, you could always go through your albums and delete what you donot need.
Getrid of those unwanted apps
Another habit that we all get into isdownloading apps for a specific purpose (or amid a gaming fad – who remembersFlappy Bird?) and then forgetting to delete them. These apps take up asurprisingly large amount of space and if left without updates, can cause yourphone to slow down.
To see how much space each app occupies,iOS users can go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage. On an Androidsmartphone, open Settings > Storage > Apps.
By deleting a handful of apps, you couldpotentially free up as much as 500MB with little or no effort.
Removeunnecessary downloads
Unlike a few years ago, our phones nowcontain lots of downloaded content. From podcasts to Netflixepisodes, to music, eBooks and documents. Much like unwanted apps, these areoften downloaded and forgotten about. If you no longer need or use them, deletethem and free up space for new content.
Deleteold text message threads

When you send and receive text messages,your phone automatically stores them for safe keeping. If these texts containimages or videos, they can take up a considerable amount of space. Brave ios sync.
Fortunately, you do not need to go back andmanually delete all your old text messages. Both Apple and Android phones allowyou to auto-delete old messages.

To enable this feature in iOS, go toSettings > Messages and scroll down until you see Message History. Then, tapKeep Messages and change Forever to 30 Days or 1 Year. Immediately after,you’ll be prompted to delete older messages.
How Do You Free Up Memory On Your Phones
For other devices – like Samsung phones– you simply need to head to Settings and make sure “delete old messages” is toggledon.
By following these tips, you will besurprised at how much storage you can save and in turn, how little you begin tosee those pop-ups again.
How Do You Free Up Memory On Your Phone
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